Dale and Sons offer funeral services to the Asian community, we are dedicated to serving the wishes and needs of the Asian community,with an extensive knowledge of the varied and differing requirements ,practices and customs of Asian communities.
We are able to offer private and peaceful chapels to visit your loved one and pray in,along with bathing facilities for families to complete ritual bathing, we offer families the opportunity to wash and dress their loved one in preparation for the funeral.
Sikh Funerals
Arrangements for a Sikh funeral begin immediately after death , the deceased is usually washed and dressed in clean clothing by family members,
Sikhs believe in transmigration …karma ….of the soul and that death is a natural part of life, Sikhs funerals are known as Antam Sanskaar meaning the last rite of passage with the focus of the funeral ceremony being a celebration of the soul re joining Waheguru, friends and family surround the body with flowers , funeral prayers and chants are usually recited during the service.
Hindu Funerals
Traditionally.typically, the funeral should take place as soon as possible, Hindus are told to avoid any unnecessary touching of the deceased as this is seen as impure ,the deceased’s body is washed in purified water by family members prior to viewing taking place
Hindus believe in the rebirth and reincarnation of souls,so when the physical body passes away the soul reincarnates into another life force, this whilst mourning the passing of a loved one, celebration of an onward journey to the next incarnation seen as a step closer to Nirvana ..Heaven…
Flowers are usually placed at the feet of the deceased ,family members gather around the casket performing chants and prayers, prior to cremation taking place many hindus place pinda …rice balls…next to the deceased.
Here at Dale and Sons we can help guide you through this difficult time, clearly outlining the next steps